Peacham Covid 19 Relief Fund
Funding is still available
If you are a Peacham resident experiencing financial stress, help is available through the Peacham Covid 19 Relief Fund. Applications are available on the table outside of the Town Clerk’s Office and below:
… Read the restCOVID-19 Vaccine Update
State of Emergency Extended
On Friday, Gov Scott signed Addendum 10 to Executive Order 01-20 to extend the current State of Emergency through Feb 15. While Vermont continues to have the lowest case counts in the country, our numbers remain … Read the rest
Candidates for Elected Positions in Peacham
Support our Town – Please Consider Running
Deadline for Filing is January 25
All those who wish to run for an elected position in Peacham and have their name on the printed ballot must file the Candidate Consent Form by … Read the rest
Consent of Candidate Form
If you are a legal voter of the Town of Peacham and wish to be included on the 2021 ballot as a candidate for any open town or school officer position, you must complete the following Consent of Candidate Form… Read the rest