Make Payments to the Town of Peacham Online
Please follow the instructions below so that we can properly record your payment.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX are accepted. The payment processing company charges a 3% service fee to cardholders using this service.
In the “Description of Payment” box, you must indicate what type of payment you’re making (ex. copies, dog license fee, marriage license fee, zoning permit application fee, dump card, Winter Carnival donation, July 4th donation, etc.).
If you’re paying property taxes, you must indicate that it’s a property tax payment and include the parcel ID in the “Description of Payment” box so that your payment is applied to the correct parcel. The parcel ID can be found in the upper left corner of the property tax bill.
Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-592-3218 or with any questions.