Reopening Continues
On Friday, Gov Scott announced Phase 2 of his Relief and Recovery plan to support Vermont’s economy during COVID-19. This phase includes financial assistance for businesses, grants and other resources for housing and communities, a broadband expansion program and funds for modernizing Vermont’s regulatory and environmental permitting programs.
Staying Safe
Despite a cluster of COVID cases in the Winooski/Burlington area, Vermont is maintaining its low incidence of infection and most counties have reached a plateau in the number of new cases. To continue this trend, it is important to remain vigilant and continue Vermont’s “Be Smart, Stay Safe” practices. This includes wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a safe distance from others when it is necessary to go out in public.
Food Resources
Monday, June 15: Meal distribution in Lyndonville is full. Please note that pre-registration is required for these events. Visit the Department of Human Resources website for future meal distribution dates, registration links and information about additional resources for those needing assistance obtaining food.
Saturday, June 20: Food Drive at Peacham Congregational Church. 11:00am to 1:00pm. Non-perishable foods and other supplies will be collected to benefit food insecure families in Peacham. Donations are requested! Please see details below.