Welcome to Peacham, Vermont
Settled in 1776
Located in the southern tier of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, Peacham is one of the most picturesque towns in Vermont. From its historic village district to its working farms and forests, Peacham embodies the charm and character of rural Vermont.
This website is meant to be a one-stop source of Peacham information for residents, landowners, visitors and anyone with an interest in our community. All Town boards, committees, meetings, events and activities are represented here.
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Peacham Calendar
Add an Event
If you have an event that you would like added to the calendar, contact the Town Office with the following:
– brief title of event
– date and time of event
– brief description of event
Visit this page to view the calendar for the Town Gym or to reserve time at the Gym.
Recent News from Town of Peacham
Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Survey
As part of the process to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Town of Peacham, I am asking Peacham Residents to participate in the survey listed below. Public participation is part of the planning process. The survey will... Read More