Thanksgiving and COVID-19

Please take Thanksgiving guidance seriously!

Gov Scott and Vermont Health Commissioner Dr Mark Levine are asking Vermonters to celebrate this Thanksgiving at home, with their own households, to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“I know what we are telling Vermonters to do right now — to give up spending time with
friends and family members — is difficult,” Dr. Levine said. “And I also know how ‘done’ we all are with this pandemic. But the fact is, Thanksgiving could make things a lot worse for us here in Vermont. The virus doesn’t operate any differently just because we want to keep up traditions. As soon as we travel, get together with others, and let down our guard, we risk opening the floodgates even wider — at a time when we really need to keep them closed.

Gov Scott announced added protections for schools, saying they can ask students or
parents if they were part of multi-family gatherings as part of their daily health check.

“And if the answer is yes, they will need to transition to remote learning for 14 days, or 7
days and a test, just like they had traveled out of state,” Gov. Scott said. “We also strongly advise businesses to consider doing the same, by asking employees to quarantine if they aren’t adhering to our gathering restrictions. The more we adhere to this policy, the faster we’ll lower the number of cases, and the sooner we’ll be able to ease up on these restrictions.”

What you need to know to help stop the spread of COVID:

  • Do not get together or socialize with anyone you don’t live with (see more details and allowances here).
  • Avoid traveling when possible, even within Vermont. Anyone who travels to or from Vermont must quarantine. The only exception is for essential travel.
  • Wear a mask
  • If you’re sick, stay home.
  • Not everyone with COVID-19 has a fever. Even mild symptoms (like a sore throat or dry cough) could be signs of COVID-19. Get tested and stay home while waiting for your result.
  • Also seek testing if you are a close contact of a case, or have been at a social gathering or other risky situation.

Be Smart ~ Stay Safe
Happy Thanksgiving!