Flood recovery update: a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is now open in Lyndonville.
A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is now open in Lyndon, at the Lyndonville Public Safety Facility from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The joint DRC, a temporary facility established in partnership between Lyndon, the state of Vermont and FEMA, has disaster … Read the rest
Notice: A Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) team from FEMA will be going door-to-door in Peacham over the next few days, canvassing homes to help impacted residents register for FEMA disaster assistance.
DSA teams can help survivors register for assistance, update their information and assist with referrals to voluntary agency partners. They may give residents the opportunity to use a tablet to register or offer to enter information on their behalf.
DSA … Read the rest